Magia de Halloween alrededor del mundo (2 libros por el precio de 1)
Halloween Magic Around the World (2 Books in 1) - J.P Anthony Williams
Halloween Magic Around the World (2 Books in 1) - J.P Anthony Williams
Halloween Magic Around the World (2 Books in 1) - J.P Anthony Williams
Halloween Magic Around the World (2 Books in 1) - J.P Anthony Williams
Halloween Magic Around the World (2 Books in 1) - J.P Anthony Williams
Halloween Magic Around the World (2 Books in 1) - J.P Anthony Williams
Halloween Magic Around the World (2 Books in 1) - J.P Anthony Williams
Halloween Magic Around the World (2 Books in 1) - J.P Anthony Williams
Halloween Magic Around the World (2 Books in 1) - J.P Anthony Williams

Magia de Halloween alrededor del mundo (2 libros por el precio de 1)

Dive into a World of Halloween Wonder and Spooky Forest Surprises!

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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A really cute Halloween story. I loved reading this to my kids, they enjoyed it a lot and the images are beautiful. I will definitely want the entire series. --Reader Review--

Cute Spooky Halloween!

"I love everything about Halloween. This is a Halloween, spooky forest, adventure book for kids. I enjoyed reading it and loved the great graphics."

Super cute!

"A really cute Halloween story. I loved reading this to my kids, they enjoyed it a lot and the images are beautiful.
I will definitely want the entire series."

Book Description

¡Sumérgete en un mundo de maravillas de Halloween y sorpresas espeluznantes en el bosque!

-- Obtenga una increíble descarga GRATUITA del Libro para colorear de Halloween con cada compra --

Descubre la magia de la temporada con nuestra extraordinaria caja de 2 libros, donde las aventuras de Halloween ocupan un lugar central, transportando a los lectores jóvenes a tradiciones globales y encantadores misterios forestales.

En " La fiesta de Halloween del fantasma de la luz de la luna", únete a un grupo de curiosas criaturas del bosque mientras se topan con la misteriosa fiesta de Halloween del fantasma de la luz de la luna en lo profundo del espeluznante bosque.

Luego, en " Aventuras de Halloween alrededor del mundo", embárcate en un viaje espeluznante y espectacular para descubrir cómo se celebran tradiciones similares de Halloween en diferentes rincones del mundo. Desde el colorido Día de Muertos de México hasta las antiguas tradiciones Samhain de Irlanda, este cautivador libro no sólo educa sino que también celebra la rica diversidad de nuestro mundo.

¡Haz de estas encantadoras historias una parte apreciada de tus tradiciones de Halloween y deja que la magia de Halloween y el bosque cobre vida en los corazones de tus pequeños!

Reader Reviews


Super cute!

"A really cute Halloween story. I loved reading this to my kids, they enjoyed it a lot and the images are beautiful.
I will definitely want the entire series."


Cute Spooky Halloween!

"I love everything about Halloween. This is a Halloween, spooky forest, adventure book for kids. I enjoyed reading it and loved the great graphics."


Wonderful lesson!

"My children were captivated by the adventures of the four furry friends - rabbit, fox, squirrel, and raccoon - as they danced under the moonlit sky and learned about the importance of friendship and working together towards a common goal."

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