Christmas and the Joy of Giving (with Coloring pages)
Christmas and the Joy of Giving (with Coloring pages)

La Navidad y la alegría de dar (con dibujos para colorear)

Experience the Magic of Christmas with an Unforgettable Adventure!

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "A fun and heartwarming tale of friendship and forgiveness wrapped in Halloween magic. Perfect for young readers!" – David S. "What an absolutely delightful book. The story line and illustrations are truly joyful, uplifting and bring a sense of wonder. A heartwarming Christmas book that reminds kids that the true magic of Christmas lies not in material possessions but in the warmth and love we share with others. Loved it!" -- Reader Review--


"What an absolutely delightful book. The story line and illustrations are truly joyful, uplifting and bring a sense of wonder.
A heartwarming Christmas book that reminds kids that the true magic of Christmas lies not in material possessions but in the warmth and love we share with others. Loved it!"

So Sweet!

"This was another beautifully illustrated children’s book by this author and it was about the importance of giving. The animals all celebrated because “they knew that the spirit of kindness was a gift that would keep on giving, not only during the holiday season but all year round.” Such a sweet book; I totally recommend it!"

Book Description

¡Sumérgete en un bosque donde reina la bondad y la magia de la Navidad no tiene límites!

--- Las páginas para colorear están incluidas dentro del libro ---

En el corazón del Bosque Encantado, se desarrolla una historia conmovedora. Únete al conejo Frosty, el ciervo Bella, la ardilla Lila y el zorro Finn en una aventura caprichosa que captura la esencia misma de la temporada navideña.

Cuando la Gran Estrella Copo de Nieve, guardiana de su espíritu navideño, atenua su brillo, estos amigos animales se embarcan en un viaje para reavivar su brillo. En el camino, descubren que la verdadera magia no reside en el oropel y los juguetes, sino en el don de la bondad.

En un mundo que a veces olvida el verdadero significado de la Navidad, esta encantadora historia nos recuerda a todos que el regalo más preciado que podemos dar es la calidez de nuestro corazón.

Únete a la aventura del Bosque Encantado y descubre la magia de dar.

Reader Reviews


So Sweet!

"This was another beautifully illustrated children’s book by this author and it was about the importance of giving. The animals all celebrated because “they knew that the spirit of kindness was a gift that would keep on giving, not only during the holiday season but all year round.” Such a sweet book; I totally recommend it!"



"What an absolutely delightful book. The story line and illustrations are truly joyful, uplifting and bring a sense of wonder.
A heartwarming Christmas book that reminds kids that the true magic of Christmas lies not in material possessions but in the warmth and love we share with others. Loved it!"


A precious Holiday story!

"It's about animals who work together to bring the true Spirit of Christmas. The values of giving and being compassionate to others are widely expressed throughout. The illustrations are captivating and quite vibrant. This will be a new holiday favorite for many families."

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