Jimmy el bombero (con páginas para colorear)
Jimmy el bombero (con páginas para colorear)

Jimmy el bombero (con páginas para colorear)

The perfect bedtime story for young children who follow their dreams and aspire to be brave and adventurous!

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "A fun and heartwarming tale of friendship and forgiveness wrapped in Halloween magic. Perfect for young readers!" – David S. "I read a lot of books to my 3 children and rarely do I come across one that has such beautiful illustrations! They compliment the early reader format perfectly here and make for an entertaining read to the imaginative little ones!" -- Reader Review--


"Jimmy wants to be a firefighter when he grows up. Through reading, he learns as much as possible while he dreams of rescuing animals, saving the forest, and helping people. Wonderful story. Excellent illustrations. This one will be a repeat for story time."

Very Entertaining!

"I read a lot of books to my 3 children and rarely do I come across one that has such beautiful illustrations! They compliment the early reader format perfectly and make for an entertaining read to the imaginative little ones!"

Book Description

¡El cuento perfecto para dormir para niños pequeños que persiguen sus sueños y aspiran a ser valientes y aventureros!

Esta conmovedora historia sigue a Jimmy mientras sueña con convertirse en bombero, combatir incendios y salvar animales.

Con ilustraciones vívidas y una narración sencilla pero atractiva, los niños quedarán cautivados por el viaje de Jimmy para cumplir su sueño.

El libro no es sólo una aventura apasionante, sino que también enseña valiosas lecciones sobre la naturaleza y el coraje. A los padres les encantará leerles este libro a sus hijos y ver volar su imaginación.

Prepárese para encender la imaginación de su hijo con "Jimmy el bombero: una aventura de ensueño".

Este libro inspirador seguramente se convertirá en uno de los favoritos a la hora de dormir e infundirá valentía y determinación en su hijo.

¡Haz tu pedido ahora y dale a tu hijo el regalo de su vida !

Reader Reviews


Very Entertaining!

"I read a lot of books to my 3 children and rarely do I come across one that has such beautiful illustrations! They compliment the early reader format perfectly and make for an entertaining read to the imaginative little ones!"



"Jimmy wants to be a firefighter when he grows up. Through reading, he learns as much as possible while he dreams of rescuing animals, saving the forest, and helping people. Wonderful story. Excellent illustrations. This one will be a repeat for story time."


Beautifully illustrated and inspiring story!

"This book will encourage your little one to be brave and to have courage! A wonderful book! Highly recommend!"

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