Luna salva el bosque encantado (con páginas para colorear)
Luna salva el bosque encantado (con páginas para colorear)

Luna salva el bosque encantado (con páginas para colorear)

Dive into the magical world of unicorn Luna, cute dragons, and rainbows with a captivating tale of courage and kindness.

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "A fun and heartwarming tale of friendship and forgiveness wrapped in Halloween magic. Perfect for young readers!" – David S.

Amazingly illustrated!

"I got this book to read with my daughter. She is 8 years old and struggles with reading so we are always looking for a fun book to read together. The pictures are stunning. The book is easy read and really enjoyable! My daughter had so much fun reading it. :)"

Gorgeous vibrant illustrations!

"This is another lovely children’s book from J.P which we enjoyed very much. A gentle message about the environment and the impact acts of kindness can have."

Book Description

Sumérgete en el mundo mágico de la unicornio Luna, lindos dragones y arcoíris con una cautivadora historia de coraje y bondad.

En una tierra donde alguna vez floreció la magia, una severa sequía ha dejado el bosque encantado reseco y sin vida. Luna, una unicornio radiante, se embarca en una extraordinaria aventura para salvar su hogar.

Rica en ilustraciones vibrantes y personajes entrañables, esta mágica aventura subraya la importancia de la compasión, la perseverancia y el hermoso equilibrio de la naturaleza.

No te pierdas esta mágica aventura. ¡Desbloquea la magia con "Luna, el Unicornio Salva el Bosque Encantado"!

Reader Reviews


Gorgeous vibrant illustrations!

"This is another lovely children’s book from J.P which we enjoyed very much. A gentle message about the environment and the impact acts of kindness can have."


Amazingly illustrated!

"I got this book to read with my daughter. She is 8 years old and struggles with reading so we are always looking for a fun book to read together. The pictures are stunning. The book is easy read and really enjoyable! My daughter had so much fun reading it. :)"


A wonderful book!

"One of its greatest strengths is the illustrations that truly bring the story to life. My 8-year-old daughter found the story to be magical and enjoyed it. She liked the storyline of the unicorn bringing back the forest to life."

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